Pizza & Baguette News

Petra Wimmer (Volkshife), Stadtrat Andreas Rabl, Regina und Günter Reisinger (Pizza&Baguette), Stadträtin Silvia Huber, Margarete Brandstätter (Volkshilfe Wels)

10.000 Ciabatta for Volkshilfe


Pizza & Baguette-Chefs Regina and Günter Reisinger from Rottenbach have a particularly big heart for the Volkshilfe


The cold season provides people who have no roof over their head and can not just go to the supermarket to buy something to eat, as they have anyway even bigger problems. The Pizza & Baguette chief Regina and Günter Reisinger from Rottenbach have a particularly big heart just for these people. With an incredible 10,000 pieces delicious ciabatta it went to help the people of Upper Austria where you so wished the needy people a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

